Why Us?

We represent the average American Joe’s & Jane’s who are fed up with all the Lies, Deceit & Corruption in Governance & Society.

We represent those who don’t care if you grew up eating Republican Bread or Democratic Butter.

We represent those who like Right-Wing Pie and Left-Wing Salad the same.

We represent those who think that Main Street & Wall Street are two sides of the same coin. 

We represent those who want to find a balance between Conservative Values and Liberal Humanism.

We represent the Moderates and Independents who stand up against Demagogues who use fear, despair & greed to instill distrust and division.

We represent those who value Facts over “Alternative facts” aka Lies. 

We represent those who believe in Love over Hate. 

We represent those who appreciate moderation over extremism. 

We represent those who choose the path of understanding over an alley of ignorance. 

We represent those who believe that as we advance and evolve in our thinking, it’s our duty to aid those impacted, guiding them to adapt to the changing tides.

We represent those who value long-term thinking while considering short term impact.

Most importantly,

We represent those who believe that no one was born with Republican or Democratic blood, Conservative or Liberal organs or Right-wing or Left-wing bodies, but instead were all born equal, and have a very limited time on this wonderful Planet called Earth with one chance to make the most of what we got.

We represent… well you get the point – 

We represent “We The People”.