And so it begins…

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A Crazy Encounter: Exploring the Twitter World with Veritocrat

In my quest to broaden the horizon of on social media, I ventured into the realm of Twitter, now intriguingly rebranded as X. My mission was simple: create a social media presence. However, as I navigated through the mandatory steps of selecting areas of interest, I was led down an unexpected pathway.

Upon reaching the ‘who to follow’ section, a blend of tech giants and entertainment channels greeted me, as expected. Yet, as I scrolled, an alarming pattern emerged. Amidst the innocent trail of suggestions, intermingled were names synonymous with extreme right-wing ideologies: Newsmax, Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene, Dan Bongino, Lauren Bobert, Dinesh D’Souza, Mark Levin and Ben Shapiro, to name a few.

Though a sprinkle of moderate and leftist political figures like President Biden, Virginia Democrats etc. appeared, the stark leaning towards the right was unmissable. Under Elon Musk‘s reign, Twitter’s allegiance has clearly shifted towards Right-Wing Extremists. It appears that he is using their base supporters to substitute for the loss of revenue from fleeing advertisers who are upset with his unpredictable antics and fascination with Demagogues, Fascists and polarizing personalities.

Whatever the case may be, the unfolding narrative of Veritocrat’s social media journey has just begun, and it’s already laced with provocative insights!

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