
A collection of established facts about controversial Personalities and Organizations.

Donald Trump

Former President of United States.

  • Lost the 2020 election to Joe Biden by over 7 MILLION votes.
  • Indicted on 91 Federal and State FELONY criminal charges
  • Only President in history to be IMPEACHED TWICE on High Crimes and Misdemeanor charges.
  • Boasts incessantly about being more wealthy than he really is and about his successful businesses
  • In reality he has multiple failed businesses and bankruptcies.
  • Would have probably found him begging on the streets if not for his unscrupulous business practices including lying and inflating his property values, taking advantage of questionable tax loopholes and finally being rescued by a loan from a shady Private Banker from Deutsche Bank, even when no other bank would touch him with a 10 foot pole.
  • Lies incessantly about the election & spreads rampant disinformation & conspiracy theories
  • Famous for his “Grab’em by the Pussy” comments referring to how he likes to treat women.
  • Known to behave like a bully, a thug, a mafia boss, a petulant child, a narcissistic scumbag and/or as a sleazy womanizer depending on the situation.
  • Is commonly referred to as the worst and most dangerous President in American history.

The Republican Party

Also known as the GOP (“Grand Old Party”), is one of the two major contemporary political parties in the United States.

  • Used to focus on smaller government, lower taxes, free market capitalism and other respectable and decent conservative principles much needed as a counterbalance to liberal policies.
  • Is now mostly taken over by Ultraconservatism, White Supremacy, Lies, Disinformation, Conspiratorial rhetoric, and Far-right, Radical extremist ideologies, undermining American democracy and institutions.
  • Gave rise to MAGA Republicans resulting in January 6th attack on the US Capitol and insurrection against the United States of America.
  • They are not MAGA, but should be instead called MASA aka Make America Stupid Again
    • War on Media
      • Disagreeing on basic facts and spreading disinformation in the name of “Alternative Facts”.
      • Attacking Mainstream Media, while supporting extremist Fascist views on fringe Right-wing outlets
    • Attacking Government Agencies for doing their job –
      • Threatening to defund or abolish the Department of Education and giving Coupons to the Rich to send their kids to privileged Private Schools
      • Threatening to defund or abolish the IRS so that they cannot audit taxes of the rich
    • Making Rich People Richer Faster
      • Constant attacks on any programs setup to help the poor and the needy
      • Providing tax cuts, incentives and other loopholes to ensure that Corporations and Rich Millionaires and Billionaires continue to skim off of the middle class and the poor.
    • Called the January 6th, 2021 ATTACK on United States Capitol and INSURRECTION against the United States of America, a “legitimate political discourse”.
    • Continues to shamelessly support politicians who deny the 2020 election results which shows Joe Biden beating Donald Trump by over 7 MILLION VOTES!
    • Constantly attacks and undermines American Democracy through Gerrymandering, Voter Suppression, Intimidation, Election Denial, Fringe Conspiracy Theories.

Fox News

Launched in 1996, Fox News quickly rose to prominence with a conservative news and opinion format.

  • Audience Reach: Holds a significant viewer base, often leading in ratings among cable news networks.
  • Influence: Its programming and editorial stance have made it a significant player in American political discourse, particularly among conservative audiences.
  • Misinformation Claims: Accused of spreading misinformation, intentional lies, propaganda and conspiracy theories on various issues.
  • 2020 Election Lies: Ordered to pay Dominion Voting Systems $787 MILLION for constantly lying about the integrity of its voting machines during the elections.
  • Sexual Harassment Scandals: High-profile sexual harassment scandals involving key personnel.