About Us

The rise of the internet and the proliferation of information through various sources like news platforms, social media, blogs, and vlogs have thrown a barrage of differing viewpoints at us. This overload of information has made it hard for many to tell facts from fiction. Certain political groups have seized this chance to mislead the public, especially hardworking individuals who generally trust their leaders.

These groups, driven by the desire to stay in power at all costs, have resorted to underhanded tactics like spreading incessant Lies, Disinformation, Conspiracy Theories, Gerrymandering, Voter Suppression, Stacking the Courts, and using threats of Violence and Intimidation. By tapping into basic human emotions and instincts such as fear, uncertainty, greed, selfishness, anger and despair, they have stirred up extremist sentiments, leading to a deeply divided society, exemplified by the rise of Donald Trump to power.

The narrative of ‘MAGA’ has created a severe distrust for mainstream media among its followers, locking them in an echo chamber filled with disinformation and biased views.

Contrasting this concerning scenario is the idea of a Veritocratic society, a ray of hope in a storm of discord. The term “Veritocrat” blends the Latin words “veritas” (truth) and “kratos” (power), symbolizing governance based on truth, much like how a “meritocrat” values merit for societal and economic progress.

A Veritocrat firmly believes in making decisions based on solid evidence, promoting transparency and accountability in government. They also value education that teaches people to think critically and evaluate information independently.

In a world now riddled with disinformation, Veritocrats stand as champions of truth and evidence-based decision-making, aiming to build a society where the government serves the public interest, and where people have a say in how they are governed.

A Veritocratic society would feature:

  • Transparency and Open Data: A government committed to being open, making all its data freely available to the public, and disclosing information about its policies and programs clearly and promptly.
  • Evidence-based Decision Making: A governance model that carefully considers all available evidence and consults with experts before making major decisions.
  • Accountability and Oversight: Strong oversight where the government’s actions are regularly audited, and citizens have the right to complain against government officials.
  • Public Participation: A culture where citizens can participate in shaping government policies and programs, having a voice in how their tax money is spent.

A Veritocratic society aspires to be more fair, just, and effective in solving problems, a refreshing change from the current troubling reality.

Our mission unfolds as we dissect complex issues, foster critical thinking, and empower citizens for a more just, effective, and informed society. We are diligently compiling a list of extremist figures, media outlets, and other entities thriving in and worsening this troubled environment. Through our platform, we aim to cut through the misinformation, shed light on the truth, and promote informed discussions.

Thank you for visiting our website. We look forward to your return visits. Your donation will support our ongoing effort to fight for the truth.

Join our pursuit for truth in governance and become a Veritocrat!


Veritocrat #1

Our Process

We meticulously scrutinize posts, comments, and statements made by individuals or organizations, alongside reviewing news articles from various platforms based on their truthfulness, completeness, and bias and other factors. This analysis serves as a bedrock to fortify established facts, values, principles, and concepts. Through a Balanced Perspective and employing our distinctive Holistic Thinking approach, we aim to delve beyond the surface, offering a well-rounded understanding of the issues at hand.


What?, So What?, Now What?

What happened?

What does it really mean?

What do we do about it?


Article Analysis – Completeness

Analyze articles to ensue that it has been written taking into account all facts and is well researched.


Article Analysis – Content

Reviewing the content of an article and providing arguments for and against the core point of the article concluding with a summarized opinion.